The Globe: Brotherly Love

Oh, what a history of food and drink have taken through the ages! You’re flipping through an older, worn-out book that has seen better days. But it still contains the best recipes. Let’s jump in, shall We? Imagine that our ancient ancestors had a lot more hair than you and I do today. They were busy eating all the berries and game they could find. Then, bam! The fire was found. This was a game-changer. The taste was a revelation.

After humans tired of hunting for food, they decided that farming was their thing. It wasn’t a slight change; this was the beginning of all things, from bread to brew. Imagine being first to discover that water, wheat and time added together equals bread. Mind-blowing!

Let’s spice it up a little – literally. The spice trade in ancient times was like Amazon Prime, only with more camels. Spices were a valuable commodity and for a good reason. You’ve probably tried eating without seasoning. Oh, that’s no fun.

It’s called the Columbian Exchange. Doesn’t that sound fancy? Columbus, who was not searching for the Americas, discovered a world of food that Europe had never tasted before. Tomatoes were introduced to Italy and potatoes to Ireland.

Foodies were in for a mixed experience during the Industrial Revolution. The first canned food was introduced. (Hooray, no more starving during the winter!) Aside from the fact that cities were crowded, it became more difficult to get fresh farm produce unless one wanted to make a day trip to the country.

Today, though? Today, we have the entire world at our fingertips or on our plate. You can have sushi delivered to your home in Tokyo, or authentic Italian food in Nebraska. While we all love convenience, many people are now talking about returning to our roots with farm-to-table food where they know where their carrots came from.

No chemicals please! Slow food has made a name for itself by prioritizing quality over quantity.

What can we learn from all of this history? The food we eat is much more than fuel. It’s a story of cultures colliding, evolving and blending together.

Don’t forget to include your own breakfast in the story. It could be a recipe from your family or a new one. It doesn’t matter what you choose, just make sure that it is delicious. After all, history has taught us one thing: bland meals are not the best. Injera feasts, from Italy’s dinner parties with pasta to Mexico’s tequila sunrises: each bite takes us through time and place without ever leaving the table.

The next time you enjoy these tasty treats, keep in mind that you’re eating history with each delicious bite! They don’t need a PhD, but they may require some training.

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